Friday, September 12, 2014

Positive Behaviour for Learning - New Zealand a Connections Conference 2014 - Hamilton

About to kick off two days of 'positive behaviour for learning' - looking forward to hearing Dr George Sugai 

People are what makes the programme grow - we make it happen! 

We are all interested in improving our teaching and learning environments.

What does it actually mean to support all of our children, all of our communities.

Remember to check out the website - 

Challenges for us to think about -
- bullying
- violence in schools and communities is a main worry - in NZ lucky with our law and out community of elders (nice comment)

'The smallest things have the biggest effects' 
'Leaders pay attention to the basics and the fundamentals' Jim Rohn
If we get the basics right the big ideas will follow!

We need to get the kids out of the corner - academic and behaviour inextricably linked.
(Insert cartoon) 

The answers are simple - but they are not easy to implement.

What are the smallest things that we do that have the biggest effect? We need to work on having a sound theory. If we have a theory of action we can see a solution - that is evidence based. We do not have a lot if time to try a lot of interventions (* ask yourself would you bet your salary on this ???) 

What is a positive school climate?
- can we see it?
- can we feel it?
- how do we  know it? 

Insert gate slide 

For example - we know how to decrease violence in our schools and communities. 

School climate, classroom climate and what the teachers do is what makes the difference. 
Difficult to get out of a negative coercive cycle once it is established. Need to switch this to a responsive cycle. Prevent classroom climates becoming negative. 

NZs investment in training and funding this shift to a positive classroom environment. NZers are well along the well of establishing communities that have a common language and vision and experience. 

Our most successful classrooms and schools are ones where all the students and staff know why they are there - they all share a common vision. 
Do all out students have this? Vertical forms / pastoral teams would help build this!! 

PB4L - an approach for building a community for success - a framework- not a curriculum. We need to create an environment for this to happen. 
Sometimes the intervention is a mismatch to the what we actually want to happen (ie copying out school rules)

All children are exposed to a successful environment - sone need different supports to be able to engage I that positive climate. These students do not fall into one category, they may have a range if needs that vary and need different interactions. What are their strengths and what are their challenges?
Therefore what strategies do we need to use? 
The more strategies needed, the more specific they become - at Tier 3 these become individualised. These are not instead of Tier 1 and 2 but on top of.

Assess yourself 
What are the things that you have committed to at Tier 1, 2 and 3 to ensure student success.

Using Data 
We have to have information that tells us that we are using the right intervention; that tells that we are using the correct data to monitor progress - do we have implementation fidelity

Effective strategies maximise benefits.

Good question - can we contextualise the framework for NZ culture and communities ? Lots of US evidence and data to prove what works - but we want it to work here?

Capacity building 
Organisations are complex places often involved in many initiatives - how can they be implemented well? 
How can we bring all if these initiatives together? 

The value and importance of culture 
- need to support culturally knowledgeable staff
- support culturally responsive value making?
- how do we know that we have culturally valid data ? 

Summary - simple messages travel faster 

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