A great quote from James Gee - don't try to use games for everything -that's what extrude with a text book!
Instead think about the flip - the reverse - what could be the problems.
Today's focus
Games and Gamification
Games and Leadership
The concept of gaming is not new. Modelling or simulation games for content. Games for revision.
The difference between becomes games and simulation is the element of competition!
Increase engagement, especially after hours - revision!
There are a lot of games out there - someone needs to 'sift' - how do we know the game addresses the learning objective.
How do we choose a game for Education?
Or is better to design a game ? How to we approach the integration of games into classroom learning? What is the function?
5 Step Process
- define the learning objective
- describe the learning 'mechanic' - what actions are we looking for?
- imagine what students are thinking - what do we want going through students' heads as they play - what dots do we want them to be joining up?
- pick a game mechanic - what game elements might best address the actions that you are looking for? (Eg work against the clock/collecting objects)
- create a theme where the mechanic can exist - what is the metaphor for the game ? (Arcade/ medieval world/ skate park)
gamesforchange.org - look and assess the games - cos this looked like a fun group of activities
Gamification - was one of the ten trends for education by Core Ed last year.
The Horizon Report from the UK had some thought provoking ideas around future trends ini education - globally - have not had time to read yet - a holiday task!!
Key trends in education
- blended / steam / creators
- gamification - it's already been adopted by the mainstream
Challenges that face technology -authentic learning education and integrating technology into education
- wicked problems - spreading teacher innovation and teaching complex thinking
- short term - maker space and BYOD
All of the solutions are manageable
TED Talk - Seth Priebatsch - building a game layer on top of the world
The linking of game theory to activities that we already do ini what seem to be non- game tasks was an eye opener and made sense.
The linking of game theory to activities that we already do ini what seem to be non- game tasks was an eye opener and made sense.
- this is already happening - coupons, loyalty cards etc - is everything a game?
- tools to consciously influence behaviour
Social Layer - Connections (Facebook) - past decade
Game Layer - influence - next decade - using forces to influence others
How do we build the game layer?
- the appointment dynamic - do something at a set time ( first ever game 'happy hour') - one game dynamic changes lifestyles ( medicine taking reminders)
- influence and status - think about colour of credit cards - hierarchy of status - used in games - the tools you can get -,in conventional settings eg report cards
- progression dynamic - eg you have completed 5% etc - game health, weapon strength
- completion theory - complete the health bar or weapon strength
Fun Theory
The piano stairs - why would people walk the stairs when they can take an elevator -
James Gee - computer games simply a set of problems that need to be solved
Most games are so complex - kids are addicted to complex games that adults give up in 25 mins!
Schools teach the way they because of the way we are tested - eg a chunk of time, a chunk of learning - in gaming the game is the test!
We should be able to create learning that is so deep, that we will not need a test at the end!
Situational learning!
The rise of 24/7 learning provided by places other than schools, is situational, where the assessment is situated with the learning.
I read a lot of Gee's works when I did my Masters in 2008 - I'm keen to look into his website re social games - http://www.gamesforchange.org/play/
Can games inculcate agency, it would be a positive.
Rewards in games, people work towards the rewards - do we want to send this message in education? Isn't it the process and the journey that's important in many areas of education.
Intrinsic or extrinsic motivation - need to find the ideal place of skill vs challenge - you become so enraged you lose track of time - the flow!!
Gamification in Leadership
Applying games to leadership training- they simulate real environments
But leadership is a complex thing -.
America's Army - training the lower officers in leadership skills
Deloittes leadership programme makes use of badges - at a corporate level
NTT - data Ignite Leadership Game - testing the key skills of leaders
- negotiate
- communicate
- time management
- change management
- problem solving
Where would you game a 'relationship' - apparently by simulation
The premise is that as you acquire skills, you gain a badge - Mozilla open badges - skills that are not endorsed by a certain centre eg web developer - these badges can be linked to aggregator websites - 'backpack'
Badges would show level of ability, level of involvement in extra curricular
PTCs - what would you give badges for? Why? What might they look like?
How would we reward the things that are not 'assessed' in the course?
Eg - how we evaluate implementing our learnings in the classroom?
- badges for staff PD - would staff go for these ? Not everyone has the same motivation?
This is one way you can recognise attributes in an organisation, or skill sets across institutions.
I made a badge for Julia!!
Game design is crucial
Games need to follow a narrative structure - one way us to begin with a teaser, followed by an elaboration that leads to conflict escalation.
Dr Who Game Maker Activity - would you use this in your classroom?
Could be used as a collaborative activity, aimed at teaching coding skills. Applied modelling of 21st century skills - but this took me AGES to get my head around......
Popular games to check out - Carmen Sandiago (and old favourite) and Agario.
Once again 4 hours flew by - lots fo food for thought regarding leadership training and game theory.
Lots of readings to do .....
Once again 4 hours flew by - lots fo food for thought regarding leadership training and game theory.
Lots of readings to do .....