There any models of inquiry - we have our own model as part of the NZC - and I'd be hoping most of us are familiar with this.....

Other inquiry models
1 - Circle inquiry - which begins with the 'tuning in' section
Finishing with the 'taking action' - what do I know that I did not know before? How do I apply this in our practice?
I like this quote from Herbert 'Research is society endorsed inquiry'.
Group Questions: Tuning In - what would be the implications if we only had inquiry learning in our classes? Or if we never? Created an interesting discussion - essential skills, framework creation, framing of the Qns? Inquiry learning is about 21st century skills.
The framing if the question is essential - contestable, not too broad, quantifiable .....
No inquiry = lack of student agency, no voice or choice?
Inquiry learning has a place, but it is not the only way ...
Inquiry allows students to move from knowing to understanding. It creates authentic contexts. Framed through provocative statement - eg kids can't change the world!
The driving Qn is what we want the kids to understand by the end of it? Major impact on planning?
Backward map from the initial understanding. Learning needs to be meaningful and manageable - relating the big idea idea to their world - a deep understanding of the big ideas.
Inquiry task
The Rise of Robots - the threat of a jobless future - Martin Ford - sounds like in interesting read
Ford discusses some of the following
- that robots not just service jobs, but white collar jobs being overtaken
- robots create less need for programming - move a model to program
- robots to teach students with learning disabilities
1 what do we know about this topic?
2 what burning Qs do we have relating to this topic?
3 what is the most impt topic related questions we should be asking as Qs
4 how would we go about about searching for relevant believable information on this topic?
Effective Questions -
Inquiry sits on the edge of what we know - the twilight zone!!!
They most be answerable
They cannot be answered by a simple fact
The answer can't be already known
They must have done objective basis for an answer
They cannot be too personal
# It's not inquiry if
- you already know the answer
- students do not develop their own questions to follow
Sorting Info
This looked like quite a good tool for NCEA students to use for sorting out their ideas for research. InstaGrok creates a simple concept plan with links and sources of info on any set topic eg see below:
One of the links we got from here was quite an interesting site on the future of jobs - you load your profession and it predicts what % chance of your job disappearing in the near future to a robot - luckily robotizing education might be a long way off!
One sentence conclusions
Our one sentence question: Can robots effectively replace teachers in the classroom?
Our one sentence conclusion (with a few clauses....) : Yes, learning needs of the students; the age of the students; and the content being worked through.
Blessinger's Research Framework
..which we will use in the second half of the course, I think mirrors our own inquiry cycle ...
Blessinger Research Template
NZC Inquiry Cycle
Research Question
Focussing Inquiry
Research Perspective
Teaching Inquiry
Research Design
Teaching and Learning Intervention
Research Analysis
Learning Inquiry
Research Conclusion
So what? Next Steps
Off to the next assignment .....
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