Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Journey - planning for our rebuild

The meetings are ramping up as we really get on a roll regarding our 'rebuild'.

Planning meeting with Jasmax Team yesterday asked the key question -

What is the essence of the project? I guess that is our vision - which we need to firmly articulate very soon.

Other points and questions raised that we will need answers to very soon...

Subjects framed differently
-Yr 9 - integrated approach - begin with the AOs
- technology - how did effect the delivery?
- what does Sci look like in - numbers in labs? Physics / chem/ Bio focus ?
- how big are the break out spaces?
- hinged screens
- poles in the middle

 How will work be displayed ?
- community projects
- digital archive
- glass whiteboard
- desk whiteboard

The team that went to HPSS had some clear ideas around this.

They asked us to think about buildingin what glass walls that are part of the main building - cost effective
- flexible - how the space is being used - how will you dress the space?
- what are the must haves?

Supervision - lots more teachers in a space to keep and eye and help manage this

The key thing is to focus on pedagogy - not space - don't make them an area of ownership.

At HPSS we saw students self select spaces to work in - quiet if needed - there were many spaces for this to occur in.

Locker spaces - need to be in useful space - easy to get too - safe space - certainly liked the idea of the locker spaces as social spaces at HPSS

Furniture and equipment fund -separate and generous :)
Peter Fenwick to ask about PD funding - 25% of school rebuild
Pastoral care - model if best practice investigated

How will it connect to existing buildings?
This is a key concern - as we need it to be 'connected'

How do we get around the big building to get across to G block ?
What flow will exist between and around the buildings?

Relocation of prefabs to KBlock -
The more we spend here, the less to spend on the new build - so this has to be carefully thought through.
9 relocatables - access ways  - simple wide and safe! How many Sci labs? What else is going there? How do we refit the Sci labs? How much money for relocatables ?

Exciting and busy times!


  1. Great to see ideas emerging into questions and plans, Alison! Remember to keep asking questions of us at HPSS so you can build an even more awesome learning environment! I like the questions around displaying work and other displays... I often wish we had more writeable surfaces (whole walls as whiteboards?) and more obvious display spaces. Exciting times!

  2. I think we are back visiting you on Monday :)
